Monday, April 20, 2009

My mom passed away this morning at about 7:45. We feel a great deal of peace in our home. My sisters, sister-in-law, and I were with her and my dad was close by. She had a very rough night and we all prayed all night long that she would stop struggling and we are grateful that the hospice nurse was here when it happened. I will keep you posted about her funeral plans. Thank you for your love and support. 


  1. I am unbelievably sorry for your loss. Nevertheless, I am so grateful she was surrounded by loved ones, and now out of pain and most assuredly at peace. Please, please know how much we love you Andrea. I will help you in anyway you've got my number and don't hesitate to use it!

  2. i am so happy that she is no longer in pain. i am so sorry that she is gone though. she was such a great person. if there is anything ew can do let me know.

  3. We love you so very much and our thoughts and prayers have been with you every day. The hospice people are so wonderful, aren't they? They somehow help make the passing a spiritual, dignified, and loving experience. May you continue to feel God's love around you and know that so many of us are so sorry for your loss.

    Susan Horne

  4. Ed and Family,

    We grieve with all of you today but, knowing that Marilyn is truly home and beyond the reach of that terrible illness gives some comfort. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
    With Love,

    David & Sheri Edwards
    Charles & Dixie Edwards

  5. I have been keeping up on this blog, but for some reason, it has not let me leave a comment. I think it was our internet connection. I hope this time it will work. Every time there has been a new post, I get so sad. We have prayed and prayed for your family -that you will be at peace and be comforted during this time. Please know how much I love your family and how much your mom will be missed. She always had such a fun little giggle to her and a smile for everyone who crossed her path! She is beautiful and I am glad you guys feel at peace. I know she is out of pain and that brings comfort.
    We love you,
    Shana (Pyne) & Jake Gardner family.
    PS, those pictures of all of you with her are priceless!!!

  6. Green family,
    Koleen told me about this blog this morning and I got right on and heard the sad news. I am so sorry for your family. I have been so blessed to have all of you in my life for over 30 years. There was nothing better than growing up next door to the Green's, I always felt so welcome in your house just like it was my own and I know it was because of Marilyn, she was like a second mom to me.
    I loved talking to her, she was always so funny and interesting to talk to. I loved her laugh and you always knew if you were having a bad day she would cheer you up. She had the funniest stories and never seemed to let anything get her down, she always made the best of every situation. That is a rare gift. I feel I am a better person for having known Marilyn and the Green family, thank you for everything.
    KayeLynne (Whipple) Terris

  7. Dear Green family,
    My sister LaDell told me yesterday that your mom was sick and so I got on your blog this morning. I am so sorry to hear the sad news. I will keep your family in my prayers.
    Here is a thought that I like: "You can't take sorrow out of death unless you take love out of life."
    Rebecca Hansen Merrill

  8. Allison,
    I am so sorry about your Mom. She was such a sweet lady and so full of sunshine. Please know our thoughts and prayers go out to you and Cam and your family. She will always be near you when you need her the most!
    Meriam Nielsen (Michelle's Mom)

  9. Dear Green Family,
    My mom told me about this blog just yesterday. My prayers are with your family today. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. She was so full of life and laughter. It's so hard to lose a parent, but the knowledge that they are continuing to progress in their exaltation is sweet. I know my dad is there to show Marilyn the ropes. They'll be livin' it up together and making everyone laugh!

    Mandy Griesemer Rohner (Arizona)

  10. Andrea,

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Please know that you are in our prayers. If you need anything at this time let me know and I would be happy to help. You have been so wonderful to Luke and have made such a difference in his life. We appreciate you and your kindness. It is a comfort to know your mom was surround by loved ones when she left this earth. Please take care.
    Ladd, Leslie, Luke Hudson

  11. To the Green Family, With Love.

    "What is this thing that men call death,
    This quiet passing in the night?
    'Tis not the end but genesis
    Of better worlds and greater light.

    O God, touch Thou my aching heart
    And calm my troubled, haunting fears.
    Let hope and faith, transcendent, pure,
    Give strength and peace beyond my tears.

    There is no death, but only change,
    With recompense for vict'ry won.
    The gift of Him who loved all men,
    The Son of God, the Holy One."

    Words by Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley
    Music by Janice Kapp Perry

  12. Brother Green and the entire Green family,

    My heart hurts for your loss. My prayers continue for your peace and comfort and a feeling of relief that Marilyn is no longer in pain. May God continue to bless you!

    Love, Christina

  13. Dr. Green and family,

    My heart is heavy today at the news of your loss. I have missed you much since you left BYU and have thought often about your wonderful family. This blog brought tears to my eyes as I witnessed the love that abounds in your family. What a blessing that she departed this existence with such a loving send off. I can almost hear the rejoicing in heaven at her return.

    With love, appreciation and much gratitude for what you have meant in my life,
    Michele Bray

  14. Ed and Green Family:

    I have such fond memories of Marilyn, especially the time I spent working closely with her in the Primary when she was the Senior Primary chorister and I was the organist. She was such a great example to me of being such a cheerful,happy,positive person. She was never down. She left a lasting impression on me at a crucial time in my life. She (and you all) were such great neighbors and friends. Our family mourns with you, but are grateful with you for the Plan of Salvation.

    Susie Frost Roper

  15. Marilyn is one of the sweetest ladies I know! I was a primary chorister in the 3rd ward (after Deanna) and loved working with her on the music! We used to sit behind the piano and giggle at comments the kids would make or chat about songs. She was so funny! She always came to choir. I can tell she loved music. She will be greatly missed. My prayers are with you that you all may have comfort and peace. Thanks so much for sharing these pictures and thoughts about her on this blog!

  16. To the green family. I am sorry four your sorrow. Its strange we don't think of someones good traits till they are gone. I moved to Preston from Montpelier and being very shy, Joan Casperson, and Marilyn Winn were two of the most funny and maded any one new feel at home. Over the next six years I had classes with these two ladies. Things never changed. They were happy, can you believe being happy having to go to school. I guess it was because they were smarter than I. I haven't seen Marilyn for a while, but she certainly weathered the years better than I. She hasn't changed enough not to recognize her any where you might run into her. Heavenly Father must have wanted to brighten things up and called home way to young. But she won't be alone as we have several class mates that have gone before her. Course they may not go where Marilyn went. I would be surprised if Marilyn ever broke a commandment. It would do us all to live as she did. And for the family. She has passed the test and endured to the end. It will be up to you folks to live as she did and make the adjustments you need to to be assured of spending eternity. I feel like I have know her all my life. And I guess that is because of the lasting impression she left on me in high school. Not sure if we went to the same reunions but once you meet her she was a friend for life and friend to every one she met. I envy Marilyn as she has moved on and left the mortal body that had caused so much trouble the last eight months. Be of comfort knowing she no longer suffers in bed. That she left her mortal body to aawait the resurrection where she will once again pick it up and have it in a healthy state, May God bless you all and be of comfort that she is in a far better place than what it sounds like she left. With her time will go so fast she will turn around and there all of you will be, but for us each day will feel like an eternity. But find comfort in remembering how much she did for you. The little things, the wash, the cooking. Fixing the little hurts and waiting up for you to come home from your dates, and then remember most of all, Remember how much she loved you and still loves you forever, best wishes a fellow class mate Dwight Sleight Logan,Utah
