Thursday, May 14, 2009

Here are some pictures from Mom's grave dedication.


  1. These are beautiful and wonderful pictures! Love you guys!

  2. These are beautiful pics! Your Mother was always so nice to me and I am so happy to see you have some of her in you! I love you! (I tried to email you, I am coming to Utah in a month... I'd love to get together!)

  3. I had a really wonderful dream last night about your Mom and I wanted to write it down before I forgot it. Andrea was in the dream too. Your Mom looked so happy and so beautiful. She was wearing a red shirt and had a full head of her gorgeous thick blond hair. When Andrea saw her she was so surprised and excited, then she came up to me and put her hand genlty on my arm. I couln't believe it was her. In the dream, I asked her if there was any message that she had for me. Our conversation was interrupted and the dream was ended somehow. I reember a little dog in the dream as well (the family dog?). The dream was so realistic to me and it made me know that she is thriving and happy where she is. I just wanted to share that with all of you. I am sure that she is doing wonderful things on the other side just as she did here! love to all of you.
